<- 50
n <- 1e3
for (i in 1:runs) {
<- rnorm(n)
control <- rnorm(50)
<- t.test(control, treatment)
<- t$p.value
Exercise II
Welcome to the next set of exercises. At this point, I hope you feel somewhat comfortable with the logic of simulations as well as the commands that get you there. Now we’ll try to use these commands to add to your understanding of effect sizes and add an extra layer (aka another loop level). That’s what you’ll do in the first block.
In the second block, we’ll add a tad more complexity. You’ll get going with correlated measures (aka paired-sampled t-test) and get to know the while
1 Block 1
1.1 Exercise
What’s the distribution of p-values when there’s no effect? Create two independent groups, both with the same mean and standard deviation in rnorm
(because there’s no effect). Use rnorm
’s default mean and SD. Each group should have 50 participants. Run an independent, two-tailed t-test and store the p-value. Repeat 10,000 times. Now plot the p-values as a histogram (hist
). Did you expect them to look like this?
1.2 Exercise
Now let’s check empirically why p-values alone don’t tell us much. Repeat your simulation from above, but this time create two “experiments” per run: One where there’s no difference (like you already have above, with mean = 0 and SD = 1), but also one where there’s a massive difference (at least mean = 0.8, SD = 1). Store the p-values of the no difference experiments and the p-values of the massive difference experiments in a data frame, with one variable for condition
and one for pvalue
Now plot both as densities (so two density lines). Us this code (call the data frame d
and the number of simulations runs
ggplot(d, aes(x = pvalue, color = condition)) + geom_density() + xlim(c(0, 0.05)) + ylim(c(0, runs/5)) + theme_bw()
Look at the p = 0.04. If were to run an experiment, not knowing which reality (no effect or massive effect) our experiments comes from, which one is more likely with a p-value of 0.04? If all we know is that our p-value is 0.04, what’s our best bet for the reality our experiment comes from: no effect or massive effect?
<- 50
n <- 1e3
d data.frame(
null = NULL,
effect = NULL
for (i in 1:runs) {
<- rnorm(n)
control1 <- rnorm(n)
<- t.test(control1, treatment1)
<- rnorm(n)
control2 <- rnorm(n, 0.8)
<- t.test(control2, treatment2)
d rbind(
condition = c("null", "effect"),
pvalue = c(t1$p.value, t2$p.value)
ggplot(d, aes(x = pvalue, color = condition)) + geom_density() + xlim(c(0, 0.05)) + ylim(c(0, runs/5)) + theme_bw()
1.3 Exercise
Google “Lindley’s paradox”. Let’s return to our alpha (0.05) in one of the next sessions: but keep this in mind.
1.4 Exercise
Let’s expand on our simulation skills from the previous sessions. In previous sessions, we simulated t-tests for different sample sizes over many repetitions. That was a loop in a loop: We’re looping over sample size, then, for each sample size, we looped over the number of simulations. Now, let’s add another layer: the effect size.
Create a simulation for an independent t-test. The mean for the control group should be 4 with an SD of 1. The means for the treatment group should be 4.2 (small), 4.5 (medium), and 4.8 (large), with an SD that’s always 1. Create a data.frame, store effect_size
(so the difference in means between the groups: small, medium, and large), the sample size (from 20:100), and the mean power for this effect size and sample size.
Tip, you could go about this with the following structure:
for (asize in c(4.2, 4.5, 4.8)) {
for (asample in minimum:maximum) {
for (arun in 1:runs) {
} }
Go for 200 runs for each combination of effect size and sample size. Plot the results afterwards with (assuming your data frame is called outcome
ggplot(outcome, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(effect_size))) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
<- c(4.2, 4.5, 4.8)
effect_sizes <- 20
min_sample <- 100
max_sample <- 200
runs <- 1
outcome data.frame(
effect_size = NULL,
sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
for (asize in effect_sizes) {
for (asample in min_sample:max_sample) {
for (arun in 1:runs) {
<- rnorm(asample, 4, sd)
control <- rnorm(asample, asize, sd)
<- t.test(control, treatment)
<- t$p.value
outcome rbind(
effect_size = asize,
sample_size = asample,
power = sum(run_results<0.05) / length(run_results)
ggplot(outcome, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(effect_size))) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
1.5 Exercise
Guess what? The power analysis you did above was on the standardized scale. Do you know why? Let’s look at the formula for Cohen’s d again:
\(d = \frac{M_1-M_2}{pooled \ SD}\)
Above, our means were 4 for the control group, and 4.2, 4,5, and 4.8 for the treatment group. Crucially, the SD was 1 for all groups. That means, very conveniently, that the differences are 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 standard deviations–and Cohen’s \(d\) is measured in standard deviations. 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 are also the heuristics for a small, medium, and large effect, respectively.
You can verify that yourself. Simulate a normally distributed control group (10,000 cases) with a mean of 100 and an SD of 1. Also simulate a treatment group with a mean of 101 and and SD of 1. Then do two more groups, but this time increase the SD for both groups to 2. What should happen to Cohen’s \(d\) from the first comparison to the second? Verify your intuition by using the effectsize::cohens_d
<- 1e4
n <- rnorm(n, 100, 1)
control1 <- rnorm(n, 101, 1)
<- rnorm(n, 100, 2)
control2 <- rnorm(n, 101, 2)
::cohens_d(control1, treatment1) effectsize
Cohen's d | 95% CI
-0.99 | [-1.02, -0.96]
- Estimated using pooled SD.
::cohens_d(control2, treatment2) effectsize
Cohen's d | 95% CI
-0.49 | [-0.52, -0.46]
- Estimated using pooled SD.
1.6 Exercise
Probably the easiest way to simulate standardized effects is to simply rely on variables that are already standardized. Look up the default values of rnorm
. SD here is set to 1, so whatever difference we put down as the difference in means between the two groups will be our Cohen’s \(d\). Simulate power for a Cohen’s \(d\) of 0.1 in an independent, two-tailed t-test for a sample size ranging from 10:1000. Use 200 simulations per sample size (or more, if you’re fine waiting for a couple of minutes). Before looking at the results: How many people do you think you’ll need per group for 95% power? Verify that in GPower.
<- 200
draws <- 10
min_sample <- 1000
max_sample <- 0.1
<- data.frame(
outcomes sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
for (i in min_sample:max_sample) {
for (j in 1:draws) {
<- rnorm(i)
control <- rnorm(i, cohens_d)
<- t.test(control, treatment)
t <- t$p.value
<- rbind(
sample_size = i,
power = sum(pvalues<0.05)/length(pvalues)
plot(outcomes$sample_size, outcomes$power, type = "l")
abline(h = 0.80)
1.7 Exercise
How much power do we gain if we specify the direction of a test? Run a simulation with a Cohen’s \(d\) of 0.5 for sample sizes of 20 to 100 (1,000 samples each). For each run, do a one-tailed and a two-tailed t-test. Then plot the power curves and calculate the average power (across all sample sizes) for the two.
If you store the following data frame, you can use the below code for plotting.
ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(type))) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
<- 1e3
draws <- 20
min_sample <- 100
max_sample <- 0.5
outcomes data.frame(
sample_size = NULL,
type = NULL,
power = NULL
for (i in min_sample:max_sample) {
pvalues_one <- NULL
for (j in 1:draws) {
<- rnorm(i)
control <- rnorm(i, cohens_d)
<- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "less")
t_one <- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "two.sided")
<- t_one$p.value
pvalues_one[j] <- t_two$p.value
<- rbind(
sample_size = c(i, i),
type = c("one-sided", "two-sided"),
power = c(sum(pvalues_one<0.05)/length(pvalues_one), sum(pvalues_two<0.05)/length(pvalues_two))
aggregate(outcomes$power, by = list(outcomes$type), mean)
Group.1 x
1 one-sided 0.8121111
2 two-sided 0.7269630
ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(type))) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
1.8 Exercise
So far, getting a pooled SD was easy because it was the same in both groups. Let’s see how we can simulate standardized effect sizes (Cohen’s \(d\) in this case). Write a function that calculates the pooled SD from two SDs. The formula:
\(pooled = \sqrt{\frac{(sd_1^2 + sd_2^2)}{2}}\)
Then think about two groups that have different SDs. Say we measured something on a 7-point scale. The control group has an SD of 0.5, whereas the treatment group has an SD of 1.7.
How large does the difference in means have to be for a \(d\) of 0.25? Prove it with a simulation, using the following code:
<- 1e4
<- rnorm(n, ?, 0.5)
control <- rnorm(n, ?, 1.7)
::cohens_d(control, treatment) effectsize
pooled_sd function(
<- sqrt((sd1**2 + sd2**2)/2)
}<- 1e4
<- pooled_sd(0.5, 1.7)
sd <- 0.25
<- rnorm(n, 4, 0.5)
control <- rnorm(n, 4 + sd*cohens_d, 1.7)
::cohens_d(control, treatment) effectsize
Cohen's d | 95% CI
-0.24 | [-0.31, -0.21]
- Estimated using pooled SD.
1.9 Exercise
Do the above again, but this time add 1 to the mean of both control group and treatment group. What do you notice?
<- rnorm(n, 5, 0.5)
control <- rnorm(n, 5 + sd*cohens_d, 1.7)
::cohens_d(control, treatment) effectsize
Cohen's d | 95% CI
-0.23 | [-0.26, -0.20]
- Estimated using pooled SD.
1.10 Exercise
The above example shows how arbitrary it can be to go for a standardized effect size. You calculated power in two ways:
- You decided what your Cohen’s \(d\) is and just went with an SD of 1, ignoring how the SD of your actual variables might look like
- You specified the SDs for both groups and then calculated the pooled SD to adjust the means of the groups
The first option is easy, but comes with all the limitations of standardized effect sizes we talked about. The second option requires much more thought–but it ignores the absolute level of the means because you only specify means in their distance from each other in SD units. In fact, I’d argue that if you’ve made it this far and thought about the variation in your measures, you might as well think about the means and their differences in raw units.
Standard deviations can be really hard to determine. In that case, you could also examine uncertainty around the SDs of each group. Simulate an independent t-test (one-sided, 1,000 simulations) over sample sizes 50:150. The control group has a mean of 100, the treatment group a mean of 105. Simulate over two conditions: Where the SD (both groups have the same SD) is 10 and one where it’s 25.
This time, save everything in a data frame: The sd
(small or large), the sample_size
, the number of the run
, and the pvalue
. That means your data frame will have 2 SD x 50 sample sizes x 1,000 simulations. With the data frame, get the power per SD and sample size (tip: use aggregate
or group_by
if you use the tidyverse). For example: aggregate(pvalue ~ sd + sample_size, data = outcomes, FUN = function(x) sum(x<.05)/length(x))
. Then plot the two power curves. You can use the following code:
ggplot(d, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(sd))) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
Start with the following structure:
for (an_sd in c(10, 25)) {
for (n_size in 50:150) {
for (run in 1:1e3) {
} }
Pay attention to two things: What does it do to your runtime? (Spoiler: It’ll take a while!). Second: How does the SD influence power?
<- 50
min_sample <- 150
max_sample <- 500
runs <- c(10, 25)
outcomes data.frame(
sd = NULL,
sample_size = NULL,
run = NULL,
pvalue = NULL
for (ansd in sds) {
for (asize in min_sample:max_sample) {
for (arun in 1:runs) {
<- rnorm(asize, 100, ansd)
control <- rnorm(asize, 105, ansd)
<- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "less")
outcomes rbind(
sd = ansd,
sample_size = asize,
run = arun,
pvalue = t$p.value
<- outcomes %>% group_by(sd, sample_size) %>% summarise(power = sum(pvalue<0.05)/n()) %>% ungroup()
ggplot(d, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(sd))) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
2 Block 2
2.1 Exercise
Alright, now let’s get familiar with the while
function. Simulate (200 runs) an independent (we’ll go paired soon enough) t-test (two-tailed) for two different effect sizes. The SD for both groups is 2. The mean for the control group is 100. In the small effects condition, the treatment group is 0.5 points larger. In the large effects condition, the treatment group is 1 points larger.
Start at a sample size of 25 and stop when you reach 95% power. Plot the power curve and show that the larger effect size stops much earlier.
for (asize in c(0.5, 1)) {
<- 1
n <- 0
power while (power < 0.95) {
for (i in 1:runs) {
}<- ?
<- n + 1
ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(effect_size))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + theme_bw()
<- c(small = 0.5, large = 1)
effect_sizes <- 200
<- data.frame(
outcomes effect_size = NULL,
sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
for (asize in effect_sizes) {
<- 30
n <- 0
while (power < 0.95) {
for (i in 1:draws) {
<- rnorm(n, 100, 2)
control <- rnorm(n, 100 + asize, 2)
treatment <- t.test(control, treatment)
<- t$p.value
<- sum(pvalues < 0.05) / length(pvalues)
<- rbind(
effect_size = asize,
sample_size = n,
power = power
<- n + 1
ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(effect_size))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + theme_bw()
2.2 Exercise
You’re measuring people’s mood twice: right before and right after lunch. You know from extensive study on effect sizes that mood needs to increase by 1 point on a 7-point scale for other people to notice. You assume the SD is somewhere around 1.5, with a bit more variation before lunch (1.7) than after lunch (1.5). You also assume that mood is correlated to some degree, say 0.5.
You have budget for a maximum sample of 100. How many people do you need to measure to achieve 87% power to detect this 1-point effect–and do you need to go to your max? Use 500 simulations per run. (Tip: the samples are correlated, so you’ll need to specify a variance-covariance matrix.) Verify with GPower.
<- 500
runs <- 2
min_sample <- 100
max_sample <- c(before = 4, after = 5)
means <- 1.7
pre_sd <- 1.5
post_sd <- 0.5
outcomes data.frame(
sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
sigma matrix(
pre_sd* pre_sd * post_sd,
correlation * pre_sd * post_sd,
correlation **2
),ncol = 2
for (asample in min_sample:max_sample) {
for (arun in 1:runs) {
d mvrnorm(
<- t.test(d$before, d$after, paired = TRUE, alternative = "less")
<- t$p.value
outcomes rbind(
sample_size = asample,
power = sum(pvalues<0.05)/length(pvalues)
abline(h = 0.87)
2.3 Exercise
How does the correlation between measures influence the power of your test? Do the above simulation again, but this time try out correlations between pre and post scores of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7. What do you expect to happen?
<- 500
runs <- 2
min_sample <- 100
max_sample <- c(before = 4, after = 5)
means <- 1.7
pre_sd <- 1.5
post_sd <- c(small = 0.3, medium = 0.5, large = 0.7)
outcomes data.frame(
correlation = NULL,
sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
for (acor in correlations) {
sigma matrix(
pre_sd* pre_sd * post_sd,
acor * pre_sd * post_sd,
acor **2
),ncol = 2
for (asample in min_sample:max_sample) {
for (arun in 1:runs) {
d mvrnorm(
<- t.test(d$before, d$after, paired = TRUE, alternative = "less")
<- t$p.value
outcomes rbind(
correlation = acor,
sample_size = asample,
power = sum(pvalues<0.05)/length(pvalues)
ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(correlation))) + geom_line() + theme_classic()
2.4 Exercise
What’s happening above? With higher correlations, you also have more power. The formula for Cohen’s \(d\) for a paired samples t-test is different from the independent samples t-test one:
\(Cohen's \ d = \frac{M_{diff}-\mu_o}{SD_{diff}}\)
(\(\mu_0\) is 0 because our H0 is no difference). Show the effect of the correlation between the scores on effect size with a simulation. The pre-score has a mean of 5 and an SD of 1.1; the post-score has a mean of 5.2 with an SD of 0.8. Go with a sample size of 100.
Simulate the samples with different correlations between the scores, ranging from 0.01 to 0.99. For each correlation, run 1,000 samples, then calculate Cohen’s \(d\) and get the mean of \(d\) for this correlation. Then plot \(d\) for the range of correlations. (Tip: You can create the correlations in such small steps with seq
<- c(before = 5, after = 5.2)
means <- 100
n <- 1e3
runs <- 1.1
pre_sd <- 0.8
post_sd <- seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)
<- data.frame(
outcomes correlation = NULL,
d = NULL
for (acor in correlations) {
sigma matrix(
pre_sd* pre_sd * post_sd,
acor * pre_sd * post_sd,
acor **2
),ncol = 2
for (arun in 1:runs) {
d mvrnorm(
<- d$before-d$after
<- (mean(difference) - 0) / sd(difference)
cohens_d <- cohens_d
outcomes rbind(
correlation = acor,
d = mean(ds)
plot(outcomes$correlation, abs(outcomes$d))
2.5 Exercise
Now you see how standardized effect sizes can become quite the problem: With an increase in the correlation between measures, your \(SD_{diff}\) becomes smaller, whereas the means remain unchanged. In other words, the effect sizes becomes larger with decreasing SD because the difference in means turns into more standard deviation units.
It’s hard–if not impossible–to have an intuition about what Cohen’s \(d\) you can go for because you’ll need to know the means, SDs, and their correlations. If you know those, you have enough information to work on the raw scale anyway–and as we know, the raw scale is much more intuitive.
You can showcase how hard that intuition is by skipping straight to the difference score. That’s what a paired samples t-test is: it’s a one-sample t-test of the difference between scores against H0, so for demonstration you can also simulate from the difference. t.test(control, treatment, paired = TRUE)
is the same as t.test(difference, mu = 0)
(if our H0 is indeed 0).
Simulate power for Cohen’s \(d\) of 0.4 in a paired sampled t-test, using difference scores. That means you just need a normal distribution of difference scores. How do you know the \(d\) is 0.4? Well, choose a mean that’s 40% of whatever SD you specify.
Use 1,000 runs and while
to stop whenever you reach 93% power, starting at a sample size of 20. Verify with GPower.
<- 0.4
mean_difference <- 1
mean_sd <- 1e3
<- 0
<- 20
outcomes data.frame(
sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
while (power < 0.93) {
for (i in 1:runs) {
<- rnorm(n, mean_difference, mean_sd)
difference <- t.test(difference, mu = 0)
<- t$p.value
<- sum(pvalues < 0.05) / length(pvalues)
<- rbind(
sample_size = n,
power = power
<- n + 1
plot(outcomes$sample_size, outcomes$power)
abline(h = 0.93)
2.6 Exercise
You’re working for a fitness company that helps people gain muscle mass. They’re currently working on when people should measure their muscle mass: in the morning or in the evening or does that not matter?
It’s your job to find out. You know that if differences are off by less than 5%, time of measurement doesn’t matter. If it does matter, though, you need to tell customers that they need to be consistent in when they measure themselves.
Now you plan the study. It’ll be expensive: You need to provide each person with an advanced measurement scale and pay them to measure once in the morning and once in the evening.
You have resources for a maximum of 200 people. Calculate power (95%, you want to be certain) and check whether you need to collect the full sample. Go about it as you find most sensible. (Tip: There’s no correct answer–we simply don’t have enough information.)
<- 0.05
sesoi <- 1
sd <- 1e3
<- 0
<- 2
outcomes data.frame(
sample_size = NULL,
power = NULL
while (power < 0.95 & n < 201) {
for (i in 1:runs) {
<- rnorm(n, sesoi, sd)
difference <- t.test(difference, mu = 0, alternative = "greater")
<- t$p.value
<- sum(pvalues < 0.05) / length(pvalues)
<- rbind(
sample_size = n,
power = power
<- n + 1
plot(outcomes$sample_size, outcomes$power)
abline(h = 0.95)