Exercise III


This set of exercises won’t introduce new technical skills. Instead, you’ll apply your simulation skills to different concepts to get a better feeling for the false positive rate, the role of alpha, and how a sensitivity analysis works.

0.1 Exercise

The False Positive Rate is the proportion of false positive findings among all positive (aka signifiant) findings. It’s defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} False \ positive \ rate = \frac{False \ positives}{False \ positives + True \ positives}\\\\ False \ positives = \phi * \alpha\\ True \ positives = power * (1 - \phi)\\\\ False \ positive \ rate = \frac{\phi * \alpha}{\phi * \alpha + power * (1 - \phi)} \end{align}\]

\(\phi\) is the proportion of null hypotheses, in general in a field, that are true, \(\alpha\) your false positive error rate, and power is \((1-\beta)\).

Plot how the false positive rate develops as \(\phi\) goes from 0 to 1 for two \(\alpha\) levels (.05 and .01.) and two levels of power (80% and 95%). No need for a simulation here. You can just straight up use the formula above to calculate the false positive rate. For that, it’s probably easiest to create a data frame. Try out the expand.grid command which creates a data frame of all combinations of several variables. For example:

iq_scores <- seq(100, 105, 1)
sample_size <- c(10, 20)
d <- expand.grid(iq_scores, sample_size)

   Var1 Var2
1   100   10
2   101   10
3   102   10
4   103   10
5   104   10
6   105   10
7   100   20
8   101   20
9   102   20
10  103   20
11  104   20
12  105   20

You can use the following code (make sure the variables are named accordingly):

ggplot(d, aes(x = phis, y = fpr, color = as.factor(alphas))) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~ power) + theme_bw()
phis <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
alphas <- c(standard = .05, low = .01)
power <- c(0.80, 0.95)

d <- expand.grid(phis, alphas, power)
names(d) <- c("phis", "alphas", "power")
d$fpr <- (d$phis * d$alphas) / ((d$phis * d$alphas) + (d$power * (1 - d$phis)))

ggplot(d, aes(x = phis, y = fpr, color = as.factor(alphas))) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~ power) + theme_bw()

In physics, they use a five sigma rule. That means their alpha is \(3*10^{-7}\) or 1 in 3.5 million. Do the above again, but this time plot “our” 0.05 against five sigma and compare false positive rates.

phis <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
alphas <- c(standard = .05, physics = 3*10^-7)
power <- c(0.80, 0.95)

d <- expand.grid(phis, alphas, power)
names(d) <- c("phis", "alphas", "power")
d$fpr <- (d$phis * d$alphas) / ((d$phis * d$alphas) + (d$power * (1 - d$phis)))

ggplot(d, aes(x = phis, y = fpr, color = as.factor(alphas))) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~ power) + theme_bw()

0.2 Exercise

How does the alpha level influence your power? Simulate two correlated scores. The means of the scores are 4 and 4.2; their SDs are 0.4 and 0.7. Their correlation is 0.65. Simulate power (500 runs) for sample sizes starting at 30 and going to a maximum of 110. Stop whenever you reach 95% power (so use while). Do that for 5 different alpha levels: c(0.005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.10). Plot the results. As always, you can use the code below. What’s the influence of the alpha compared to the sample size?

for (analpha in alphas) {
  n <- ?
  power <- ?
  while (power < ? & n <= ?) {
    for (i in 1:runs) {
    n <- n + 1


ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(alpha))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) %>%  theme_classic()

means <- c(pre = 4, post = 4.3)
pre_sd <- 0.4
post_sd <- 0.7
correlation <- 0.65
alphas <- c(0.005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.10)
runs <- 500
n_max <- 110

sigma <- 
        correlation * pre_sd * post_sd,
        correlation * pre_sd * post_sd,
      ncol = 2

outcomes <- 
    sample_size = NULL,
    alpha = NULL,
    power = NULL

for (analpha in alphas) {
  n <- 30
  power <- 0
  while (power < 0.95 & n <= n_max) {
    pvalues <- NULL
    for (i in 1:runs) {
      d <- as.data.frame(
      t <- t.test(d$pre, d$post, paired = TRUE)
      pvalues[i] <- t$p.value
    power <- sum(pvalues < analpha) / length(pvalues)
    outcomes <- rbind(
        sample_size = n,
        alpha = analpha,
        power = power
    n <- n + 1

ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = sample_size, y = power, color = as.factor(alpha))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + theme_classic()

For this exercise, you’ll need to loop over different alpha levels. For each alpha level, you run a while command. Inside the while command you run simulations to determine power. Once you reach enough power, the while command will stop and we’ll go to the next alpha level in the first-level loop.

First, we declare our variables.


means <- c(pre = ?, post = ?)
pre_sd <- ?
post_sd <- ?
correlation <- ?
alphas <- c(0.005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.10)
runs <- ?
n_max <- ? # what's our maximum sample size

# make an outcome data frame
outcomes <- 
    sample_size = NULL,
    alpha = NULL,
    power = NULL

Our variables are correlated, so we need to specify a variance-covariance matrix. Thankfully, we only need to do this once because the means, SDs, and the correlation are independent of the alpha level and therefore constant.

sigma <- 
        correlation * pre_sd * post_sd,
        correlation * pre_sd * post_sd,
      ncol = 2

Sweet, then we just fill our variables into the structure provided in the exercise instructions.

for (analpha in alphas) { # iterate over the alphas
  n <- 30 # inititate sample size and power
  power <- 0
  while (power < ? & n <= ?) { # we stop either when we reach power OR when we reach the maximum sample size
    pvalues <- NULL # store our p-values for this alpha 
    for (i in 1:runs) {
      d <- as.data.frame(
      # conduct paired samples t-test
      # store p-value in pvalues
    # now we calculate and store power for this alpha for all these runs
    power <- ?
    # add that power, our sample size, and the alpha to the outcome data frame
    n <- ? # update our sample size for the next chunk of runs

0.3 Exercise

You have a large sample (2,000 people) from a public cohort study. You’re interested in comparing two groups on their intelligence. Your smallest effect effect size of interest is 3 IQ points. You know of Lindley’s paradox where even small p-values are actually evidence for H0 if the test has a lot of power. Therefore, you decide to conduct a compromise analysis in GPower for an independent, one-tailed t-test. You think that type 2 errors in this case are twice as bad as Type I errors. (Tip: IQ scores are standardized with a mean of 100 and an SD of 15–this should help you get a standardized effect size).

Obtain the new alpha from GPower. Then check whether it helps with Lindley’s paradox. Simulate drawing 10,000 samples with exactly your SESOI and that sample size; run a t-test oon this sample. Also do 10,000 samples where there is 0 difference. What proportion of the p-values of the simulation with an effect are below your new alpha? (Aka: Does your power estimate align with GPower’s power output?). Then plot the p-values of both simulations between 0 and alpha. Have you taken care of Lindley’s paradox?

You can use this code (if your data d are in the long format where the variable type indicates whether we have the effect distribution or the null distribution):


ggplot(d, aes(x = pvalue, color = type)) + geom_density() + xlim(c(0, 0.02)) + ylim(c(0, draws/10)) + geom_vline(xintercept = alpha) + theme_bw()

n <- 1e3
m <- 100
sd <- 15
sesoi <- 3
draws <- 1e4
alpha <- 0.008925552

pvalues <- NULL
nulls <- NULL

for (i in 1:draws) {
  control <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
  treatment <- rnorm(n, m + sesoi, sd)
  pvalues[i] <- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "less")$p.value
  control <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
  treatment <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
  nulls[i] <- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "less")$p.value

power <- sum(pvalues < alpha) / length(pvalues)

d <- data.frame(
  pvalue = c(pvalues, nulls),
  type = rep(c("effect", "no effect"), each = draws)

ggplot(d, aes(x = pvalue, color = type)) + geom_density() + xlim(c(0, 0.02)) + ylim(c(0, draws/10)) + geom_vline(xintercept = alpha) + theme_bw()

For this exercise, you’ll we simply need to conduct two t-tests per run: one with a difference and one without a difference. Let’s first declare our variables.

n <- ?
m <- ?
sd <- ?
sesoi <- ?
draws <- ?
alpha <- # from GPower

Then we run the simulation, for each draw generating two p-values and storing them.

# somewhere to store the outcomes
pvalues <- NULL
nulls <- NULL

for (i in 1:?) {
  # here we have a difference
  control <- rnorm(?, ?, ?)
  treatment <- rnorm(?, ?, ?)
  # run the first test and store the p-value
  ? <- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "less")$p.value
  # then we run a second t-test (without a group difference) and store the p-value
  control <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
  treatment <- rnorm(n, ?, sd)
  # store it
  nulls[i] <- t.test(control, treatment, alternative = "less")$p.value

Now we have everything we need. First, we can calculate power like we always do with sum on pvalues. Then let’s store both types of p-values (effect and no effect) in a data frame. Afterwards, we can use the code from the instructions for plotting.

d <- data.frame(
  pvalue = c(pvalues, nulls),
  type = rep(c("effect", "no effect"), each = draws)

0.4 Exercise

For your master thesis, you ran a study where you conducted a paired-samples t-test. At the time, you didn’t know about power analysis. Now as you write the paper up for publication, you state that you didn’t conduct a power analysis, but you want to at least report the sensitivity of the test. Your sample size was 27 and you conducted a two-tailed test. Your alpha was 0.05. Simulate the sensitivity of your study (1,000 runs) for standardized effects ranging from 0 to 1 for 95% power. Verify with GPower. (Tip: Remember that the test is just on the difference of the two scores, so you can directly draw the difference. So rnorm(n, difference_score, sd), then t.test(differences, mu = 0)).


n <- 27
effects <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
draws <- 1e3

outcomes <- 
    effect_size = NULL,
    power = NULL

for (aneffect in effects) {
  pvalues <- NULL
  for (i in 1:draws) {
    differences <- rnorm(n, aneffect)
    t <- t.test(differences, mu = 0)
    pvalues[i] <- t$p.value
  outcomes <- 
        effect_size = aneffect,
        power = sum(pvalues < 0.05) / length(pvalues)

with(outcomes, plot(effect_size, power))
abline(h = 0.95)

The trick here is to change the way we think about simulations. At this point, we always iterated over sample sizes. But this time, sample size is fixed. So we need to iterate over effect sizes, run a t-test with the fixed sample size, and store the power for this effect size. We get all effect sizes (range 0 to 1 SD) with the seq command.

# declare our variables and get all effect sizes
n <- ?
effects <- seq(?, ?, 0.01)
draws <- ?

# somewhere to store our results
outcomes <- 
    effect_size = NULL,
    power = NULL

# iterate over each effect
for (aneffect in effects) {
  # somewhere to store p-values for this effect size
  pvalues <- NULL
  # now do a number of draws for this effect size to get its power
  for (i in 1:draws) {
    # directly on the difference score
    differences <- rnorm(n, ?)
    t <- t.test(differences, mu = 0)
    pvalues[?] <- t$p.value
  # then get power for this effect size like we always do
  outcomes <- 
        effect_size = ?,
        power = sum(? < 0.05) / ?

You can plot with the following code.

with(outcomes, plot(effect_size, power))
abline(h = 0.95)

0.5 Exercise

Run a sensitivity analysis on a paired samples t-test (one-tailed). You had 47 participants; the means were 56 and 60; the SDs were 16 and 13; the correlation between the measures was 0.4. Get sensitivity for three different alpha levels: c(0.005, 0.01, 0.05). As for effect sizes: Increase the effect size by 1 (on the raw scale) until you have 90% power (so use while). For each combination, do 1,000 simulations. Plot the results with ggplot like you did earlier.

ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = effect_size, y = power, color = as.factor(alpha))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.9) + theme_bw()

You could go about this with the following structure:

for (analpha in alphas) {
  while (power < 0.90) {
    for (i in 1:runs) {
n <- 32
sd_control <- 16
sd_treatment <- 13
correlation <- 0.4
alphas <- c(0.005, 0.01, 0.05)
runs <- 1e3


outcomes <- 
    effect_size = NULL,
    alpha = NULL,
    power = NULL

sigma <- 
      correlation * sd_control * sd_treatment,
      correlation * sd_control * sd_treatment,
    ncol = 2

for (analpha in alphas) {
  effect_size <- 0
  power <- 0
  while (power < 0.90) {
    pvalues <- NULL
    means <- c(control = 56, treatment = 56 + effect_size)
    for (i in 1:runs) {
      d <- as.data.frame(
      t <- t.test(d$control, d$treatment, paired = TRUE, alternative = "less")
      pvalues[i] <- t$p.value
    power <- sum(pvalues < analpha) / length(pvalues)
    outcomes <- rbind(
        effect_size = effect_size,
        alpha = analpha,
        power = power
    effect_size <- effect_size + 1

ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = effect_size, y = power, color = as.factor(alpha))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.9) + theme_bw()

This one can be tricky at first sight. Let’s first declare our variables.

n <- ?
sd_control <- ? # SD for control group
sd_treatment <- ? # SD for treatment group
correlation <- ? # correlation between the two scores
alphas <- c(0.005, 0.01, 0.05) # our alphas we iterate over
runs <- ? # number of draws
# somewhere to store the results
outcomes <- 
  effect_size = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  power = NULL

Our variables are correlated, so we need to specify a variance-covariance matrix. The question is: When? Because the SDs are stable, we can do that right before the actual simulations. Then we iterate over each alpha level, followed by the power calculation.

sigma <- 
      correlation * sd_control * sd_treatment,
      correlation * sd_control * sd_treatment,
    ncol = 2

for (analpha in alphas) { # iterate over each alpha level
  # inititate zero effect size and power before we do simulations
  effect_size <- 0
  power <- 0
  # here is our while statement: we'll keep looking at power until we reach 90% for this alpha level
  while (power < 0.90) {
    # store p-values
    pvalues <- NULL
    # here is where we need to create the means (aka set the effect size)
    means <- c(control = ?, treatment = ? + ?)
    # then we need to calculate power for this alpha level and effect size
    for (i in 1:?) {
      # create correlated scores
      d <- as.data.frame(
      # run t-test
      t <- t.test(d$control, d$treatment, paired = TRUE, alternative = "less")
      # store
      pvalues[i] <- t$p.value
    # after the draws, we calculate power like we always do, except this time the alpha will change
    power <- sum(pvalues < ?) / length(pvalues)
    # store it all
    outcomes <- rbind(
        effect_size = effect_size,
        alpha = ?,
        power = power
    # now we need to increase the effect size in case we didn't reach 90% power in the while statement above
    effect_size <- effect_size + 1

0.6 Exercise

Do the above again, but this time on the standardized scale. Verify your results with GPower. With this exercise, you can’t plot the raw effect size anymore; you’ll you need to plot the standardized one. However, remember the formula for Cohe’s \(d\) for correlated samples?

\(Cohen's \ d = \frac{M_{diff}-\mu_o}{SD_{diff}}\)

The standardized effect in this simulation will depend on the SD of the difference–and SDs will vary for each simulation. Therefore, you need to calculate the empirical Cohen’s \(d\) (i.e., calculate it with the formula above) for each run, store it, and then take the mean of all \(d\)s per combination. Ultimately, you only need to add a couple of lines (calculating and storing Cohen’s \(d\)) to the code from the exercise above.


n <- 32
sd_control <- 16
sd_treatment <- 13
correlation <- 0.4
alphas <- c(0.005, 0.01, 0.05)
runs <- 1e3


outcomes <- 
    effect_size = NULL,
    alpha = NULL,
    power = NULL

sigma <- 
      correlation * sd_control * sd_treatment,
      correlation * sd_control * sd_treatment,
    ncol = 2

for (analpha in alphas) {
  effect_size <- 0
  power <- 0
  while (power < 0.90) {
    pvalues <- NULL
    ds <- NULL
    means <- c(control = 56, treatment = 56 + effect_size)
    for (i in 1:runs) {
      d <- as.data.frame(
      t <- t.test(d$control, d$treatment, paired = TRUE, alternative = "less")
      pvalues[i] <- t$p.value
      ds[i] <- (effect_size - 0) / sd(d$control-d$treatment)
    power <- sum(pvalues < analpha) / length(pvalues)
    outcomes <- rbind(
        effect_size = mean(ds),
        alpha = analpha,
        power = power
    effect_size <- effect_size + 1

ggplot(outcomes, aes(x = effect_size, y = power, color = as.factor(alpha))) + geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.9) + theme_bw()

This exercise just comes down to you calculating Cohen’s \(d\) for each run. So in the code from the previous exercise (somewhere in a loop; you need to find out yourself where), you add:

d[i] <- (effect_size - null_hypothesis) / sd(control-treatment)

Then, you store the mean effect size in our outcomes:

outcomes <- rbind(
        effect_size = mean(ds),
        alpha = ?,
        power = ?

Note, you could also do the above by just sampling from a difference score, like we did earlier. But I wanted you to think about, once more, the differences between raw and standardized effect sizes.